Archive for the ‘daily science’ Category

About Eggs

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

eggs.jpgWe eat them cooked any one of half a dozen ways in the morning.  We use them in cakes and cookies and as a meringue on lemon pies.  The particularly ambitious cook may use them in a mousse or a soufflé.  (For eggs in cooking, revisit Physics in the Kitchen.)  But have you ever stopped to think about how amazing the egg really is?

We all know that eggs should be handled carefully because their shells are incredibly thin.  Drop an egg a short distance and you have a gooey mess to clean up.  One simple tap on the edge of the counter is enough to crack open the shell.  But try this experiment: hold an egg in the palm of your hand and curl your fingers around it.  Now squeeze with all your might.

Did it break?  If you didn’t believe me and didn’t squeeze with all your strength, go back and try again.

What on Earth…?  The key to an eggshell’s strength is the fact that its whole surface is curved.  The strongest shape is a sphere, and an egg is a close approximation of this.  (The reason it’s not exactly a sphere in just a moment.)  With no corners or flat sides to weaken it, the forces you apply to the egg by curling your fingers around it are distributed equally over the egg rather than concentrating at any one point. 

This works even in the following way. Hold the top and bottom of the egg with your thumb and forefinger and squeeze.  Did it break this time?  In physics terms, we say that the egg has a high “compression strength” — you’re compressing the egg, but it doesn’t break!  In fact, an egg has such high compression strength, that (with the proper setup) it can support the weight of a small person without breaking.

So why aren’t eggs spherical?  The oval shape is created as the bird lays it, and this turns out to be an advantage for the hen.  The shape prevents the eggs from rolling away!  Spherical eggs would roll and roll and roll… and never return.  For birds like ostriches that nest on the ground, this isn’t an issue, and their eggs are generally more spherical.  But birds that nest on cliffs often lay very conical eggs, which roll in a tight circle around the narrow end and remain on the ledge.

What else?  How can you tell if your egg is fresh?  Eggs contain an air pocket that forms when its contents shrink as it cools after being laid.  As the egg ages, moisture evaporates and the air cell grows larger, reducing the average density of the egg.  An object floats in a liquid if it is less dense than the liquid and an object denser than the liquid sinks.  We can therefore use the egg’s density as a handy measure of the egg’s freshness!  Here’s how it works.  Place your egg in a container of water.  A fresh egg with a small air pocket will rest horizontally on the bottom.  The air pocket in a 1-week-old egg is slightly larger — its density is less — and the end will hover slightly off the bottom, and an egg that’s 2-3 weeks old — even less dense — will rest vertically on the bottom.  Don’t eat any eggs that float!

Now that you know so much about eggs, here’s a bonus question: what do eggs and Roman arches have in common? 

PS. When squeezing your egg: don’t wear any rings, and make sure your egg doesn’t have any cracks already.  My “research” egg was blessed with a crack and I ended up with a handful of broken shell and raw egg oozing between my fingers and onto the floor!

Numbers and Nature

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

banana2.jpgDid you know that bananas have five sides?  Not sure?  Pick up a banana and count the sides.  Bet you there are five.

How many one- or two-petalled flowers have you ever seen?  Probably not many.  They are relatively rare in nature.  Flowers with three petals are more common, those with five petals more common still.  But flowers with four or six petals are few and far between.

What’s the deal?  The answer lies with Fibonacci.

Leonardo Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy, around 1170 and spent several years in Algeria with his father, a wealthy merchant.  Roman culture had spread widely in Europe by the Middle Ages and the Roman numeral system was commonly used for arithmetic.  While addition and subtraction are relatively easy with the system, anything more advanced — even multiplication or division — is difficult; the lack of zero poses a particular problem.  In Algeria, Fibonacci learned of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system and recognized the simplicity and efficiency of mathematics in this system compared to the Roman system.  He traveled throughout the Mediterranean, studying under many leading Arab mathematicians, and returned to Pisa around 1200.  The publication of his book Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation) two years later helped to popularize the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe, becoming the numeral system we still use today.

In Liber Abaci, Fibonacci introduced a number sequence that solved a problem relating to the growth of a population of rabbits generation by generation assuming some idealized constraints.  This number sequence had been known to Indian mathematicians since the 6th century, but after publication of his book, it became known as the “Fibonacci sequence.”

In the Fibonacci sequence, each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, starting with 0 and 1:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, …

(In mathematical terms, we can write this as Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2, with F0 = 0 and F1 = 1.)

The amazing thing about the Fibonacci sequence (aside from rabbit populations, of course) is that numbers in the sequence occur regularly in nature.  Look at your banana again.  Five sides – a Fibonacci number.  The most common flowers have 3, 5, 13, 21 petals – again, Fibonacci numbers.

In other cases, pairs of consecutive Fibonacci numbers determine the pattern of seeds in a sunflower, fruitlets on a pineapple, or scales on a pinecone.  Let’s look at the chamomile flower as an example.


To get the most compact arrangement, the florets are arranged in a spiral pattern, and — surprise! — the number of spirals corresponds to Fibonacci numbers!  Highlighted in turquoise in the picture are the florets spiraling counterclockwise.  Count the spirals, and you get 13.  Now count the number of spirals circling in the opposite direction.  Another Fibonacci number!

The next time you have a pinecone or pineapple in hand, look for the Fibonacci numbers.  (Hint: the pineapple has three.)  Where else do you find the Fibonacci numbers in nature?  We’d love to hear from you!

A story about academic debates, Twitter and the deep emotions surrounding the Global Warming debate

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

The Pew Center for Global Climate states that “the scientific community has reached a strong consensus regarding the science of global climate change. The world is undoubtedly warming, and the warming is largely the result of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities. “[1]

While the majority of scientists hold this opinion, some scientists question a number of aspects of the Global Warming debate. The disagreement primarily revolves around two areas: questions of the validity of climate models, and whether the fundamental causes of Global Warming are human-made or, as of yet, unknown.[2]

Regardless of how you view this debate, the prospect of our planet warming up is a huge threat to our environment and should be taken seriously. The costs of not proactively prevent and/or minimizing the warming of our planet would be catastrophic. 

Actions aside, I believe that it is worth our time to continue an open discussion about the underlying science behind this phenomenon, including the academic papers that cast doubt on some of our basic assumptions. Having worked with complex data before and sharing conversations with scientists who study climate, I know there is a reason this science is part of a field called Complex Systems: accurate results are difficult to predict. There are multiple articles questioning various aspects of the Global Warming problem[3] and some scientists such as Richard Lindzen[4] from MIT have expressed the “opposing side” of the Global Warming debate. Some researchers suggest that “Antarctica as a continent is actually getting cooler,”[5] “Glaciers are not melting all over the world; they’re growing in some places,”[6] and the observation that “there are large errors in Global Climate Predictions.”[7]  The sources of these articles are among the most reputable journals in the field of science: Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and Science. If we are truly interested in discerning the underlying causes of Global Warming, it seems prudent to investigate these claims further.  While I am not claiming they are correct, I think maintaining an open mind in the pursuit of truth is the only way to arrive at the root of this complex problem.

This brings me to part two of the story. Recently, I had an interesting experience on Twitter, the acclaimed social networking medium where roughly 6 million users have real-time conversations through posts of less than 140 characters at a time. People who “follow” you can read your tweets, comment on them publically or privately, or re-tweet them to share them with their own followers. I am active on Twitter under the handle @thesciencebabe.

While using Twitter, I recently learned, just how difficult it is to communicate scientific concepts in 140 characters in real time, and, furthermore, how heated and politicized the discussion of global warming can be. Based on this experience I am concerned that we have so deeply enmeshed this topic with politics and emotion that we can no longer calmly discuss the facts. I am not an expert in the field of Global Warming, and I am conscious that views contesting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s claims[8] are not ubiquitous. But why not keep the question open to a healthy debate?I believe in harnessing the power of social networks as a learning tool and as a means of fostering education. As Wikipedia demonstrates, knowledge is increasingly becoming a collective process. The Internet and Twitter are tools for enabling open debates that help increase our collective knowledge. This can only be the case, however, if we remain open to and respectful of those expressing new ideas.I find it wonderful that the climate change debate has incited social change by pushing many of us to conserve the beautiful planet we inhabit –a worthwhile endeavour regardless of Global Warming. Additionally, reducing our wasteful consumption of energy and searching for alternative energy sources is a necessary and sensible undertaking. However, I don’t want to see our social mediums become too averse to discussing the scientific facts behind an issue – even when “sensitive topics” are involved. Many times topics such as these are the ones directly in need of the kind of spirited debate social media can foster.